Author Archives: Rand
MoYoTv CEO Dollie Darko, Interview, Greenwich Post (CT), 30 June 2011
Kim Cameron & Side FX – “Talk Philly,” CBS3, 24 June 2011
MoYoTV, Article, The Epoch Times (Global Edition), 24 June 2011
Marta Wieczorkowska-Curry

Marta Wieczorkowska-Curry is an experienced account/project manager and producer, adept at developing both interpersonal relationships and streamlined processes for complex scenarios. She is a proactive problem solver and communicator with a background in branding, advertising, production (print and digital) and Continue reading
Patrick A. Berzinski

Patrick A. Berzinski is Founder & CEO of Tranquility49 PR. Berzinski has worked in a variety of media during a career spanning more than 25 years. His principal medium is the written word, and his literary and expository writing have been the Continue reading
Jim Cummins

Jim Cummins is Senior Associate, Strategic Visual Communications, for Tranquility49 PR. Cummins received his early training at the New York City High School of Music and Art, the School of Visual Arts, the Art Students League and the Museum of Continue reading
Randolph Hoppe

Rand Hoppe is Senior Associate, Multimedia Communications, for Tranquility49 PR. As sole proprietor of R+Y Communications, Rand worked for five years as the Associate for Multimedia Communications in the Office of University Communications at Stevens Institute of Technology. He designed the Continue reading
Stephenie Overman

Stephenie Overman is a full-time freelance writer who specializes in workplace and health care issues, with extensive experience covering the business of managing people. She has written about Europe’s aging workforce, mentoring across borders, outsourcing, compensation and health care plans Continue reading
Laura Perillo

Laura Perillo is a seasoned writer and public relations professional with more than ten years’ experience in communications media. Based in the Tri-State area, her PR experience in the nonprofit, higher education and financial services fields have armed her with Continue reading
Stephen Taylor

Stephen Taylor is a freelance reporter, writer, video/audio producer and media relations consultant based in Northern Virginia. Taylor’s reporting is heard on the Fox News Radio Network and is published on the website SHRM Online. For 13 years, Taylor was Continue reading