Category Archives: Terry Mulligan
Terry Baker Mulligan, “Thoughts on Why ‘Sugar Hill’ Won Two Gold Benjamin Franklin Awards,” Blog, 17 June 2013
Terry Baker Mulligan, Studio Interview, “City Corner,” St Louis TV, 15 February 2013
Terry Baker Mulligan, “St. Louisan’s New Memoir Recounts Experience Of Growing Up In Harlem,” St. Louis Public Radio, 7 December 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan, “Author Chat with Lynda D. Brown,”, 2 December 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan, Video Short, “Before 5” Talk at the Schomburg Center for the Study of Black Culture, 26 September 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan shares a vignette from her childhood:
Terry Baker Mulligan, Interviewed by Valerie Smaldone, “Valerie’s New York,”, 13 August 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan, Promotional Video, “Sugar Hill,” 24 June 2012
“St. Louis Author Wins IPPY Award for Harlem Memoir,”, 5 May 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan’s “Sugar Hill” Awarded 2012 Independent Publishers Gold Medal, 4 May 2012
Terry’s “Sugar Hill” wins IPPY 2012 Gold Medal in Category of Multicultural Adult Nonfiction. Awards ceremony to occur 4 June 2012 in New York City, as part of the New York Book Expo. Click on image for article:
Terry Baker Mulligan’s “Sugar Hill” is #8 Independent Bestseller in St. Louis, 22 April 2012

Click on photo for PDF of St. Louis Post-Dispatch Listing of 29 April 2012:
Terry Baker Mulligan, “Reviving Sugarhill’s Sweet Ole’ Times,” Interviewed by Sarah Laing, Uptown Radio (Columbia Radio News), 20 April 2012.
Terry Baker Mulligan’s “Sugar Hill” Featured on Cover of Publishers Weekly, 26 March 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan, Edgecombe Avenue in Sugar Hill, Harlem, NY, posted 10 February 2012
Meet author Terry Baker Mulligan at two NYC book events, February 17, 2012, at City College of NY and The Hue-Man Bookstore & Cafe – for info write to
Terry Baker Mulligan, author, “Sugar Hill, Where the Sun Rose Over Harlem,” commentary, 20 January 2012
T49 client Terry Baker Mulligan discusses aspects of her new book, “Sugar Hill, Where the Sun Rose Over Harlem,” available late January 2012 on
Wagner College Posts Announcement, “Alum Publishes Harlem Memoir,” 13 January 2012
Terry Baker Mulligan’s undergrad Alma Mater, Wagner College, endorses “Sugar Hill” (please click on photo for article):